Year 13 talk about particle physics by CERN scientist Kate Kahle
On Friday 15th November, Kate Kahle (Née Bradshaw) who was a past St Michael’s student came to talk to the A Level Physics students. After leaving St Michael’s in 1996 to study Physics and Philosophy at Sheffield University she worked in publishing before taking up a post at CERN, Geneva in 2007. Kate is now the Head of Internal Communications there. It was very motivating to hear from someone who has achieved lots of things and came from the same school we are at, with good career advice.The talk was highly inspirational and interesting especially learning about all the work done at CERN and the Large Hadron Collider, as well as learning about future plans of building an even larger particle accelerator to further investigate Dark Matter. I thoroughly enjoyed the talk and it made me excited for my future in physics.
Angelina, Year 12.